• August 2, 2022
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Toledo area rescue takes in two puppies in need of life-saving medical care – WTVG

Toledo area rescue takes in two puppies in need of life-saving medical care – WTVG

TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – A local rescue is caring for a couple of pups that had a rough start in life. They have a long road ahead, but they’ll have plenty of people helping them from here on out. The two reportedly wandered up to someone’s garage last week and they were both in need of life-saving care. They are are alive and well thanks to the help of a lot of people.
They’ve been named Burt and Ernie and they were taken in by Fur Angels Rescue Shelter. Brooke Dutridge is the shelter’s founder.
“They’re estimated to be about six months old. They weight about 15 pounds each, the vet says they should be 30-40 pounds. We were scared they would not survive. But they are little fighters, they’ve really put up a good fight,” Durtridge said.
Durtridge says Burt and Ernie spent several days at Perrysburg Animal Hospital before being released to a foster home late last week.
“We think they were either locked in a basement or a garage in a crate at all times. They were then having to go to the bathroom in their crate. They have urine scalding because their feet were covered in feces and urine. They have discoloration on their skin and toenails and burns on their feet. Burt is even missing toenails,” Durtridge said.
Carrie Grindle is the foster who has been caring for them. “Whatever they went through is not fair for any animal,” Grindle said.
While they’re still skinny and full of sores and scars, they have made incredible progress. Grindle says it is amazing to see the transformation they’ve made in just a few days.
“Ernie is very mischievous, his personality is beginning to show. He loves to be with people all the time. Burt is a little more reserved, but also loves people. He is starting to wag his tail when he sees me. Getting them healthy is a slow process, so they are given several small meals throughout the day,” Grindle said.
Burt and Ernie still have a long way to go before they’re fully recovered, but Carrie says thanks to a lot of people, they are well on their way.
“It is a lot of work, but I do it because I want to see them get better and have their own families who will love them forever,” Grindle said.
Dutridge says they have reported this case to cruelty investigators at the Toledo Humane Society. Burt and Ernie will be back at the vet soon for a check-up. You can help Fur Angels continue to help animals like them. The rescue group is in need of fosters, especially dog fosters, and donations. So far, the vet bills for Burt and Ernie are about $2,000.
If you’d like to learn more, click here.
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