• February 14, 2022
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Talking About Pets | A new year, a new pet challenge – Daytona Beach News-Journal

Talking About Pets | A new year, a new pet challenge – Daytona Beach News-Journal

If you added a new pet to your home during the holidays, right about now is when you realize just how much attention a new dog or cat requires; cats and dogs less than kittens and puppies.
Cats are more self-sufficient than dogs, so they might not be driving you crazy yet unless they are being naughty, which many cats have a propensity to be.
Let me take a minute to imagine what you may be experiencing with your new pet. For new cat parents, I’ll bet your kitty is learning how to use the litterbox and doing pretty well until it doesn’t get its way and decides to urinate on your sofa.
And, of course, there is the introduction of the furball. I am not referring to a black-tie gala, but the inevitable upchuck of hair that gets pushed out kitty’s throat and kind of looks like a hairy pork sausage. Be warned that no matter how many times you tell your dog that this is not a pork sausage, he will still attempt to eat it.
New cat owners may also be dealing with the cat scratching the furniture; knocking items off counters; teasing the dog (if you have one); meowing loudly at night; bouncing off walls; pooping outside the litterbox; play biting; and more. These behaviors can be corrected and controlled, but I don’t have column space for that, so go to Google and type in “crazy cat behaviors” for assistance. Relax, it will all work out.
Now on to new dog owners. You now realize that dogs need lots of attention and training, especially puppies. Unlike a cat that uses a litter tray or box from 1 week old, a dog doesn’t get housebroken (trained to go outside or on a pee pad) until it is between 2 and 4 months old.
My suggestion is to take the dog outside as much as possible. Smaller, younger dogs tend to go out more than older, larger dogs. I am sure that bladder size has much to do with this. Reward your dog with lots of praise and a small treat. (Don’t over the do the treats because what goes in must come out, and you are right back where you started.)
It’s much easier to housebreak a dog during the winter months in Florida than in Chicago, but it can be done. Don’t give up. Once the dog is around 8 months old, it can hold it for up to 12 hours or longer depending on the dog. Your mileage may vary based on your particular make and model.
In addition to housebreaking, your dog needs to learn the house rules like no counter surfing; no chewing on the furniture; no chasing the cat when it teases you (if you have a cat); no running away; no begging; no eating out of the garbage; no sleeping in our bed, etc.
All of these behaviors can also be corrected, so again, visit Google and type in “crazy dog behaviors.” If you take the time to learn, so will your pet, but you can’t teach your pet what you don’t know. Educate yourself and share your education with your pet. Your lives together will be so much happier and more fun.
Lastly, remember, adopt, don’t shop.
Barry KuKes is the community outreach director at Halifax Humane Society. Email him at [email protected].


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