If your pet suffers from allergies, asthma, food sensitivities or autoimmune disorders, there is hope to get away from steroids. Many options for achieving improved quality of life and comfort for
DealsThe Feed In April of 2020, a lawsuit filed against Rachael Ray Nutrish® alleged that one of their pet food products misled customers about containing “Just 6” ingredients. Ultimately, lab results
AdvertisementSubscriber-only NewsletterAlthough the scientific literature makes a compelling case that our pets are good for us in many ways, research into the effects of co-sleeping is more limited.Send any friend
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Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Dogs truly are a millennial’s best friend. A recent study by Consumer Affairs surveyed 1,000 pet owners and found that 57 percent
Keeping your cat happy and healthy isn’t always straightforward, especially when your feline friend starts behaving in unusual ways. Insider spoke with veterinarians to find out their solutions to the most
(Picture Credit: bigtunaonline/Getty Images)We pet parents know that dogs have super sensitive noses. They can pick up smells and scents that we humble humans would never detect. Now a new
While dogs are considered to be the best company for humans, there are incidences when they can turn aggressive and cause physical harm to the people around them — sometimes
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