- May 16, 2022
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- 9 minutes read
Soft Paws: Buyer beware when it comes to your dog's food – Hudson Valley 360
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Partly cloudy skies this morning. Strong thunderstorms will develop during the afternoon. Damaging winds, large hail and possibly a tornado with some storms. High 81F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%..
Becoming partly cloudy after some evening light rain. Low 51F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%.
Updated: May 16, 2022 @ 10:45 am
Contributed photoThunder is an 8-year-old domestic short hair, pictured with CGHS/SPCA Adoption Counselor Rebecca Warner. Thunder is a special needs kitty as he has “wobbly cat syndrome” and limited eyesight. Thunder will need a quiet, one-level home that will give him time to adjust to his new surroundings. Aside from his condition, he is very affectionate and loves any form of attention!
Contributed photoThunder is an 8-year-old domestic short hair, pictured with CGHS/SPCA Adoption Counselor Rebecca Warner. Thunder is a special needs kitty as he has “wobbly cat syndrome” and limited eyesight. Thunder will need a quiet, one-level home that will give him time to adjust to his new surroundings. Aside from his condition, he is very affectionate and loves any form of attention!
A few years ago, a number of my colleagues attended a canine nutritional conference sponsored by the Ladies Kennel Club of Long Island. Well known AKC Judge Charlotte McGowan also wrote a synopsis of this lecture, available for all to read. The speaker was Dr. Rebecca Remillard, D.V.M., Ph.D., an ACVN Diplomat. Dr. Remillard is a Tufts graduate with a degree in animal nutrition, and at that time she was a Veterinary Nutritionist at Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston. She is not associated with any dog food company. Reviews of her detailed, technical, and in-depth presentation were rave. Let’s consolidate the high points:
Very important to note is that only a few large dog food producing companies participate in test feeding before marketing their product. Look for the AAFCO statement on the label that states the food is complete and balanced. There are only two ways to discern this. Method one involves a trial feeding test of a minimum of six months. Method two involves laboratory analysis of nutrients. According to Dr. Remillard, the feeding test is to be preferred and is the most reliable. The companies that test-feed their dog foods include Iams, Purina, Hills, and Royal Canin. Waltham (who produces Nutro), Pedigree, and Royal Canin bought out smaller companies — now improving the financial means and resources to do these tests. Veterinary specialty products, most often produced by Purina and Hills, target very specific nutritional needs of dogs based on illness diagnosis and veterinary recommendation.
When asked if owners should be reviewing and comparing the ingredients on dog food bags, i.e. doing an ingredients count, Dr. Remillard’s answer was an unequivocal “no.” She stated that we cannot ascertain ingredient quality by the “list.” Her discussion returned at this point to the value of feeding trials. Dogs and their condition don’t lie. Apparently research on dog foods has been set back by the involvement of PETA. Bad publicity was generated by PETA involving a company doing test feeding. Apparently many smaller companies are now reluctant to conduct feeding trials for fear of reprisal. Shame on them – PETA, I mean.
When questioned about raw feeding, the nutritionist stated that most products are not nutritionally balanced, and that some zoonotic diseases can be associated with raw products.
Last but not least, Dr. Remillard said that a reference to “human grade” is meaningless, misleading and incorrect. It was explained to the audience that product ingredients cannot be “graded.” An unsuspecting consumer may be led to believe that a dog food is superior, because of its human-grade advertising. Another buyer beware. The manner in which a food is shipped, being subjected to extreme heat or freezing, also affects food quality. Large companies have more resources for shipping control. I am often asked for recommendations when clients express problems with their dogs’ diets, appetites, conditions, eliminations, etc. Many of these dogs, being fed expensive “top of the list” and “top of the line” products, seem to self-destruct. We then have alternative feeding discussions (and product choices), ultimately to be rubber-stamped by their veterinarian. We should NOT rotate and change formulas randomly. Don’t fix what’s not broken. If a crack does exist, seek the advice of seasoned dog managers, and your veterinary professional.
Johnson Newspapers 7.1
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