• April 20, 2022
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Share Photos of Your Pets for National Pet Day! – Santa Barbara Edhat

Share Photos of Your Pets for National Pet Day! – Santa Barbara Edhat

By edhat staff
Today is National Pet Day! In honor of this informal holiday, we’re sharing the above photo of Winston and Churchill, two dogs that frequently visit the Edhat Headquarters. While they weren’t born in the UK, these brothers have adopted some British sensibilities. They greatly enjoy biscuits of the canine variety, afternoon tea is a must, and don’t you dare disparage the Queen in their company.
It’s not all about cats and dogs, today honors any kind of household pet. Guinea pigs, birds, bunnies, and even rats are all examples of a pets people keep in their home and they should be honored today too! Send in photos of your pets with a personality description in honor of today to [email protected].
By Joan (aka Ringo’s mom)
Ringo Starr is quite the problem solver, tenacious, lively, and inquisitive. Always excited to attend the latest social event, whether that’s going to the office with mom or dad, meeting friends for walkies, or dinner at The Brewhouse. Lap-warming is also at the top of his to-do list, which he is most excellent at. 

By Debbie
Bruce. Best Dog Ever. Parties ,loves babies, loyal, kind, faithful, just the best.

By Patrick
These are our girls, Wilma and Betty.  They love a cornmeal treat.

By Samantha
Poppy girl relaxing.

By Diane
Wearing his Grateful Dead bandanna, indignant because he has to use batteries cause his owner can not walk a pooch anymore. So loving even so! 

By Pat Fish
General Tobe Mule, star of the www.MuleTrail.com weekly adventures exploring local trails. Happy to be modeling the latest in Australian saddle fashion. 

By Jenna
Loppy waking up from a nap.

By Javier

By Valerie
Hannah, sweetest girl ever!  Loves people, walks, and treats!  She has succeeded in training me perfectly!

By Dan
Errol, a lionhead, prefers his mate most of the time but loves his morning petting.

Charlie, a Holland lop, as an Ewok on May the 4th.  Charlie is the house alarm clock, 5:30 every morning he is in the bedroom making sure we know it is breakfast time.  Most afternoons around 4:30, we find him staring at the fridge waiting for his afternoon veggies.
Cashew, a.k.a. the squeaky dictator, having an evening snuggle under a towel.  Around feeding time, he starts squealing until we feed him.  Also, any time he hears the vegetable bins being removed from the fridge, he ‘requests’ a snack

By Anissa

By Dee

By Sylvia

By an edhat reader
This is Sunny, he is 1 year old today April 11. Sunny has been with me since his birth.  At 8 weeks old he got sick and went to a medical foster.  At 11 weeks old the shelters Vet said he had neurological damage and should be put to sleep.   I asked for him back and over 2 days nursed him back to health.  Sadly the shelter still wanted to put him to sleep because of the Vets diagnosis.  I adopted him and found out he was hypoglycemic and all he needed was some sugar to get his levels back up. Today he is 1 year old and a healthy 12 pounds. Sunny is the calmest kitty ever, he just loves to hang out with his humans.  I am so happy I saved this beautiful kitty. 

By Amy, Todd, and Mary
Here’s our baby Daisy she’s a rescue that was found in the streets abandoned, scared, matted fur and needing love. She is so sweet and so special I can’t imagine anyone leaving her. And with her is our princess kitty Lucy.

By Rebecca
My two 14 year old sweet senior souls Rocky and Bry! 
By Christine
Lucy & Theo @lucythegoldenlove

By Sally
This is Emma, our 18 month old Aussiedoodle. Yes, a COVID puppy. She is named Emma because our last name begins with “M”!
She is obsessed with a ball, or actually any round object that could maybe pass as a ball, and will bring it to you to be thrown at any time of the day or night.
She also loves the beach and goes into the water, sometimes getting her whole head wet, usually chasing the above-mentioned round object, but sometimes just for fun.
She has not met a dog or a person that she doesn’t like.  She’s lots of fun.

By Anna
Our very first fur babies who we had for about 15 13 years and 10 years. May they RIP from bottom left to right. Chiquita (mom), Tatiana (daughter) and Coffee (dad). Our newest fur baby Rio.

By Jill
Bella the box loving kitty

By Deja
This is Moku

Moku & Kumu are brother and sister. They love each other.

By Henry

By Mary
Gingy Ratatouille Flycatcher and Buddy MacGillicuddy pointing the way to their food bowls 

By Rosemarie
This is Bowie, 1.5 year female goldendoodle. 

This is Freddie, she’s a 3 year old goldendoodle. Dog on a log. Pup on a stump. 

By Susan
jOeY, a ‘covid puppy’ from SPARK Rescue. She came from the mean streets of Bakersfield, to the shores of paradise, and we adore her beyond measure.

By Gary
This is Lexie our beautiful Samoyed. Very loving and so smart
By Sharon
PEANUT! The Pomeranian with Alopecia!

By Jim
These two Oriental cats, Jake and Edgar, keep Jim and Ron as service staff
By Kris

By Joyce
The loves of our lives, Lovey, Tangle and Phoebe

By Ron
Daisy jumping for joy at Fernald Point and Daisy and Georgia enjoying sunset 🙂

By Renee
This is Seamus

By Nikola
My Best Friend Lucy adopted from VCAS

By Leanne
Our herding dog rescue.Zeke

By Julie
In my household, EVERY day is pet day. Our two Leonbergers. Smiling Yogi and pensive Siena. I just published a book on this breed. A pictorial tribute with a lighthearted look. It’s called “Hey! What Kind of Dog is That? Life with Leonbergers”

By Craig
Here are our cats Bumblebee and Coconut.  Cheers!

By Brenda
Felony age 14 passed away and Misdemeanor the pup we rescued. Look like twins. Healed our hearts.

By Amber
Here is little Miss Scarlet with many middle names because she is full of sass! Scarlet is turning 6 months old after mommy lost her best friend and chocolate lab of 13 years. Scarlet brings new life to so many in the community with her attitude, spunk, and those show stopper eyes.  Cheers to all the pets out there and every day should be National Pet Day.  Thank you Edhat for promoting such wonderful, loving creatures of Santa Barbara!


Thank you ED for this. It could have been an interesting "CONtest", but being a dog lover myself I could see where bias could come into play. All the Mule/Ewok/Dog/Chicken/Cat/Bunny owners could recieve points for certain things included (ie. Those willing to admit who is really in charge could qualify for Bonus points, etc.). Points could be taken away for certain things? You don't have to be a "Paying subscriber" to enter but…
note: I didn't include hamsters & guine pigs, cause I don't know how to spell that well.

Thank you ED for this. It could have been an interesting "CONtest", but being a dog lover myself I could see where bias could come into play. All the Mule/Ewok/Dog/Chicken/Cat/Bunny owners could recieve points for certain things included (ie. Those willing to admit who is really in charge could qualify for Bonus points, etc.). Points could be taken away for certain things? You don't have to be a "Paying subscriber" to enter but…
note: I didn't include hamsters & guine pigs, cause I don't know how to spell that well.

Beautiful animals

Beautiful animals

Thanks, but BOO to me: I got here too late to show off!

Thanks, but BOO to me: I got here too late to show off!

Inspired request by Ed, brought out the best in the EdHat fam. I suggest we repeat the Alphabet Photo Submission game…… so nice to peek into each others' lives.

Inspired request by Ed, brought out the best in the EdHat fam. I suggest we repeat the Alphabet Photo Submission game…… so nice to peek into each others' lives.

So sweet – thanks Edhat!

So sweet – thanks Edhat!

Peppy wins pet day! I love peppy!

Peppy wins pet day! I love peppy!

Peppy can't stop SMILING !!!!

Peppy can't stop SMILING !!!!

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