• July 31, 2022
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Pet Owners Talk About the Benefits of Adoption at Castle Farms Pet Fair – 9 & 10 News – 9&10 News

Pet Owners Talk About the Benefits of Adoption at Castle Farms Pet Fair – 9 & 10 News – 9&10 News


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Pet owners in Charlevoix are encouraging others to adopt, not shop.
On Saturday, Castle Farms hosted their first ever pet adoption fair, complete with a pet-friendly 5K .
A majority of the proceeds went to benefit the Charlevoix Area Humane Society and Traverse City-based AC Paw.
Both organizations were present to educate people on pet adoptions and talk about the animals they have looking for homes right now.
Charlevoix native Renee Moore rescued her best friend Kane back in 2017, when she worked in Georgia.
“I had a friend who needed a foster place for him,” said Moore. “I drove by and he was in a cage, up in the corner of [PetSmart] next to a building and he was hiding from everybody, so I parked, I got out, went and got him, put him in my truck, told the ladies I’d be back with a check—I’ve had him ever since.”
Just yesterday, Kane was diagnosed with cancer and starts treatment later this month.
Today, they’re just having fun together and enjoying activities at the pet fair.
“So we thought we’d do a 5K and we did really good for our first time!” said Moore. “We walk every day, probably three to six miles a day, he loves the beach, he loves people, he loves downtown, he is such a lover, he’s a good boy.”
Kane is Moore’s second dog rescue and probably not her last.
“I’ve rescued so many animals, from horses down to birds and there’s so many of them that need help, that you really don’t need to breed, unless you’re showing,” said Moore.
Charlevoix Area Humane Society Executive Director Scott MacKenzie says running a humane society is the most rewarding thing he’s ever done.
“Just seeing that unconditional love and bond between a human and an animal—you can sense when an animal knows they’re going home to a loving family,” said MacKenzie.
He wants those wishing to adopt to know that bringing in a pet is a big deal and the application process is serious.
“That’s a teachable moment, an opportunity to say ‘hey, this is a major commitment, it’s a lifetime commitment and it’s a major financial commitment,’” said MacKenzie.
To learn more about the Charlevoix Area Humane Society, visit here.
For more information on AC Paws, visit here.

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