• April 27, 2022
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New Ipswich club walks for health and companionship – Monadnock Ledger Transcript

New Ipswich club walks for health and companionship – Monadnock Ledger Transcript

Members of the new New Ipswich Recreation Walking Club Diane Kangas, left, Maryann Hughes, Dee Daley and Susan Mallett, take laps around the Mascenic Regional High School on a blustery Tuesday. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—
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Dee Daley and Susan Mallett take laps around the Mascenic Regional High School on a blustery Tuesday. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—
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Maryann Hughes leads the way during a New Ipswich Recreation Walking Club outing. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—
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Diane Kangas and Maryann Hughes take a walk togehter to match paces. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—
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Dee Daley and Susan Mallett take laps around Mascenic Regional High School on a blustery Tuesday. STAFF PHOTO BY ASHLEY SAARI—
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Despite a whipping wind, the four members of the newly established New Ipswich Recreation Walking Club were doing their Tuesday rounds, getting in their steps and sharing camaraderie – the main points of the group.
The group began mid-April, started by Dee Daley. For now, the group meets at the Mascenic Regional High School parking lot and does loops around the building. But as the ground firms up from the spring mud season, Daley said she would like the group to strike out on different neighborhoods and trails.
“We’re starting slow,” because the first step is getting people together and walking, Daley said. “I came at it from the perspective of wanting to do something that has low cost or no cost, but gets people active. And I asked myself, ‘What stops people from exercising?’”
For herself, Daley said she dislikes walking or exercising alone. She used to be part of a Zumba class, but dropped off during COVID-19. She wanted to start a regimen again, and knew that group dynamic was a motivator for her. With the company of the walking club, plus the added accountability of walking partners keeping her on a regular schedule, she has a reason to go out three times a week to get some walking in.
Maryann Hughes of New Ipswich, who attended the club Tuesday, said she has been a recent convert to the exploration of the outdoors.
“I also am a walker. I never used to be, but I’ve, since COVID, gone outside, rather than do workouts inside,” Hughes said. “So, I enjoy walking, and this is perfect, and it’s nice to do something with other community folks.”
Diane Kangas agreed, saying it was the communal aspect that attracted her the most.
“I just wanted some company, somebody to walk with. I walk with my dog all the time. It’s something to do, it’s social,” Kangas said.
Daley, who is a physical therapist, said people are more likely to commit to an exercise program when they have a group they’re looking forward to joining and holding each other accountable. And she knows the importance of regular exercise.
“Even walking just 10 minutes a day can help individuals with diabetes or other chronic health issues,” Daley said.
The Mayo Clinic advises that a regular, brisk walk has a variety of benefits, including weight loss, managing or preventing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and Type 2 diabetes, as well as improving cardiovascular fitness, strengthening bones and muscles and increasing energy levels. It has also been shown to improve mood, cognition, memory and sleep, and reduce stress and tension.
The club meets Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and is a drop-in group, Daley said. They don’t all walk at the same pace, but tend to stay with those who are going about their speed. And while they’re just doing loops around a set track, walkers finish when they feel done.
“We do anything from a quarter of a mile to up to about two miles. Whatever people want to do is how long we’re there,” Daley said.
Ashley Saari can be reached at 603-924-7172 ext. 244 or [email protected]. She’s on Twitter @AshleySaariMLT.
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