• July 19, 2022
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July 2022 Employee Wellness Newsletter — Albuquerque Public Schools – Albuquerque Public Schools

July 2022 Employee Wellness Newsletter — Albuquerque Public Schools – Albuquerque Public Schools

Personal tools
Let’s begin! In-person classes at City Center, and more wellness trends in the news!
 image of a rainbow at sunrise with the words: lets begin building a life we don't feel the need to escape from.
This morning I started my day with coffee, a devotion, a beautiful sunrise, and a bit of movement. In other words, I started my day with peace, perspective, and purpose. Regardless of how the next 10-12 hours of my day may go, I know that I laid the foundation for how I want to feel internally and react to the people and situations I will encounter.
How we approach our day, a relationship, a meeting, or the new school year can start with the same type of intention – Building a culture of well-being by laying the foundation. One where we’re intentional about our emotional and physical environment and how we want to feel and react to the people and situations around us. Or, the environment we want to create and foster to help and serve others.
It’s easy in our busy world to lose the connection between culture and well-being. But our emotional, intellectual, physical, environmental, spiritual, financial, and social wellness is integrated into every aspect of our lives. Wellness is our culture. It can be a healthy, thriving one or a toxic, soul-depleting daily experience. One where we may, in various ways, self-medicate our way out of every night then wake up and do it all over again. That’s no life. 
 We have the opportunity with this new school year to start laying a new foundation with this understanding – We all deserve to experience a life we don’t feel the need to escape from. One that fosters feelings of joy, accomplishment, success, support, respect, and connection. Wellness isn’t a check the box. It is the box.  Let’s begin living that out today!
 My encouragement to you this week is to reflect on how you want to begin this school year. How do you want to build (or maintain) a culture of wellness with yourself and those around you through communication, humility, empathy, listeningrecognition, and appreciation? It’s a foundational-culture-building time and we get a new opportunity to strengthen it by embedding wellness into everything we do because that’s where it belongs. 
Picture graphic with listing of all resources under employee groups.
APS Employee Wellness offers many free programs to help all employees (regardless of benefits coverage or full/part-time status) lower their risk for disease, attain lifestyle and weight loss goals as well as manage stress and mental health issues.  
If you have any questions contact Becky MacGregor at [email protected]
Researchers found that high-intensity interval sessions with battle ropes improved muscle and aerobic performance in 3 weeks.
It’s long been thought that protein from animals is superior for building muscles, but data shows that a high-protein, plant-only diet works just as well.
Studies continue to reveal a strong connection between physical activity and brain fitness—and now between inactivity and distractibility.
Capsaicin—the compound that gives peppers their punch—can lower inflammation in the body, which makes this fiery peach gazpacho a summer soup that has a tangy, tart, spicy full-mouth flavor.
This upper-body movement helps to improve your pushing strength and shoulder stability. You should feel it in your shoulders, arms, chest, and core.
Physical Address:
6400 Uptown Blvd. NE
Albuquerque NM 87110
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 25704
Albuquerque NM 87125-0704
APS Administration
(505) 880-3700
Student Service Center
(505) 855-9040
[email protected]


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