• October 27, 2022
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Investigate Veterinarian Who Beat Up His Dog, Stop Taliban From Barring Girls From Going to School, and Close Insider Trading Loopholes: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet – One Green Planet

Investigate Veterinarian Who Beat Up His Dog, Stop Taliban From Barring Girls From Going to School, and Close Insider Trading Loopholes: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet – One Green Planet

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Investigate Veterinarian Who Beat Up His Dog, Stop Taliban From Barring Girls From Going to School, and Close Insider Trading Loopholes: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet
New Petitions to Sign This Week: Ask Vietnam’s Government to Expedite the Shutdown of Bear Bile Farms, Pressure Romania’s Prime Minister to Ban Fur Farming, Demand Justice for Kitten Who Was Thrown into a Fire Pit, and More!
End Chinchilla Fur Farming in Romania, Find Person Cutting Down Trees in Oregon For No Reason, and Demand DOJ Overturn Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Law: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet
Tips for Keeping Pets Safe on Halloween
There Are Lots of Ways to Care for Feral Cats, But Bringing Them Home May Not be One of Them
New Petitions to Sign This Week: Pressure School to Fire Vice-Principal Who Abused a Child, Bring Justice to Iranian Woman Murdered by Morality Police, Tell Animal-Abusing Dr. Oz to End His Senate Campaign, and More!
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Investigate Veterinarian Who Beat Up His Dog, Stop Taliban From Barring Girls From Going to School, and Close Insider Trading Loopholes: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet
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Investigate Veterinarian Who Beat Up His Dog, Stop Taliban From Barring Girls From Going to School, and Close Insider Trading Loopholes: 10 Petitions to Sign this Week to Help People, Animals, and the Planet
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Unfortunately, the world is not a very peaceful or safe place for many individuals. From conflict to abuse to exploitation, there is so much cruelty inflicted on both humans and animals. While this can get disheartening and difficult to hear about, petitions are a great way to use your voice for good. Just by signing one, you are a part of helping those who are not treated fairly. You can even share them with your friends and acquaintances to increase your impact.
Through petitions, we can reach those in power and demand justice for others. They are valuable tools for making positive changes in the world. If you are looking for a way to help animals and humans, here are 10 petitions you should sign this week, including Demand Full Investigation into Veterinarian Who Beat Dog While His Son Recorded, Demand Action Against the Taliban, Which Won’t Let Girls Go to School, and Close Loopholes That Allow Lawmakers to Continue Insider Trading Without Consequence!

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Raise awareness while making a fashion statement by wearing sustainable brands like Tiny Rescue. Check out the Climate Change Collection!
We want to thank you for being the change you wish to see in the world and giving a voice to the voiceless.
Source: Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV/YouTube
A veterinarian was charged with animal abuse after his son filmed and posted a video of him allegedly yelling and using physical force against a dog.
Deputies were dispatched to the home in response to an animal abuse complaint against the Michigan veterinarian. When they arrived, they were told that the video was posted to YouTube of the man yelling and “physically putting his hands” on a German Shepherd, according to the Macomb County Sheriff’s office. According to the report, the video was taken by the veterinarian’s son.
The video reportedly shows the man removing the dog from the bedroom by the collar and yelling at the dog while the animal walked around the kitchen. The sheriff’s office said that in the video, the man grabbed the dog and put the animal on their back before holding them by their neck in “a submissive position” and moving the animal around on the floor. The dog was allegedly screaming and whimpering at one point, and the report says that the man “appears to be squeezing the dog’s neck and/or possibly biting the neck of the dog.” He then lifts the dog’s head before “slamming it onto the floor” while continuing the yell.

The man said that he “disciplined” the dog after the animal got into a fight with another German Shorthaired Pointer who was also in the home. He insisted that he would “never hurt” the dog.
Authorities served the man with animal abuse charges but did not press for felony charges and settled for much lower misdemeanor charges instead. Although this is a good start, it does not protect future animals from his abuse.
Source: The Damage Report/Youtube

Two families are suing Amazon after they tragically lost their children to suicide. The legal filing states that the children bought a deadly, highly potent, and pure chemical from Amazon. To make matters worse, Amazon even recommended an assisted suicide handbook to customers who put the chemical in their cart. Amazon’s algorithm contributed to the death of these two children, and it is time that this company takes responsibility.
Amazon’s algorithm gives users recommendations based on what they are looking at. In this case, those recommendations included a scale to measure chemical doses, anti-vomiting medication, and an Amazon Edition of an assisted suicide handbook.
Although the damage is done, Amazon needs to take accountability and make sure that this never happens again.
Source: The Guardian/Youtube
When the Taliban took over power in Afghanistan over a year ago, human rights, especially for women and girls, flew out the window. Afghan girls from 12 to 18 are still not allowed to attend school, and it is now estimated that over a million girls have been banned from attending high school over the past year. This creates a huge imbalance in society and power and takes away so much from women and girls.

In less than a year, the Taliban destroyed any rights that Afghan women and girls had gained. Just last month, a suicide bomb attack at a school killed dozens of students, most of which were young women.
On the first anniversary of the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan, 50 Afghan girls sent a letter titled, “A Year of Darkness: A Letter from Afghan girls to heads of Muslim countries and other world leaders.”
“The past year, we have been denied human rights, such as the right to attain an education, the privilege to work, the liberty to live with dignity, freedom, mobility and speech, and the right to determine and decide for ourselves,” said a student named Azadi.
Source: KETV NewsWatch 7/Youtube
Authorities in Nebraska found 665 animals in a man’s home, and unfortunately, dozens of the animals were already dead inside. The animals included chinchillas, rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, turtles, snakes, finches, and even exotic birds. Most of them were incredibly malnourished, injured, and sick. Officials had to euthanize two of the surviving animals because they were so badly wounded.

70 of the animals were already deceased when officials arrived, and their corpses were scattered among the hundreds of other animals. Officials found urine and feces throughout the home and very little food and water.
The rescued animals were sent to the Nebraska Humane Society to receive much-needed veterinary care, but some of the animals will have health challenges for the rest of their lives due to the conditions they were forced to live in.



Authorities arrested the man and charged him with multiple counts of animal cruelty, but because of Nebraska law, even if he is convicted, that doesn’t mean he will not be allowed to own pets again.
Source: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah/Youtube
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fined Kim Kardashian $1.26 million for promoting cryptocurrency on Instagram because she did not disclose that she was receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for said promotions. Although it is good that celebrities and wealthy people are being held accountable, not everyone is being held to the same standards.
Elected members of Congress are still allowed to use insider information on stock trades. As the midterm elections get closer, lawmakers are still allowed to trade stocks with few restrictions, no consequences, and no plan to solve the problem. There is a huge loophole for Congress regarding the stock market, and it is time that we close this home.
There is a proposed piece of legislation to deal with Congressional stock trading and its loopholes, but it won’t be voted on until after the midterm elections. The bill has more massive loopholes that would allow lawmakers to evade even more oversight.
We need to make sure that legislators cannot buy and sell stocks that might conflict with their public service. A recent investigation even found that nearly 4,000 trades between legislators or their family members could be considered conflicts of interest.
Sign this petition to demand that congress hold a vote on the Combating Financial Conflicts of Interest in Government Act before the midterms to close these loopholes!
Source: Animal Outlook/Youtube
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is set to introduce a new set of animal welfare standards that will make slaughtering fish “more humane”. The ASC is the world’s leading organization for framed seafood and while this win is a long time coming and great news for farmed fish, more needs to be done.
Under the new proposed rules, ASC-certified farmed fish will be required to be stunned before being killed. Now, many fish are taken out of the water, which causes tremendous suffering. Imagine suddenly not being able to breathe and gasping for air until you finally die.
Research and studies have proven time and time again that fish are sentient beings and it is time that the United Kingdom follows suit and introduces welfare standards for fish!
Source: Animal Legal Defense Fund/Youtube
Yet another bull was tragically injured at the hands of the abusive and exploitative bull-riding industry. During the Professional Bull Riders Challenger Series at George Mason University’s EagleBank Arena, a bull was rushed out of a chute with a rider on his back, and the bull fell and crushed his back legs. The animal was then carelessly dragged out of the arena by a rope tied around his neck and legs.
Bullriding is also extremely cruel and stressful for the bulls themselves. Animals are not ours to exploit for a few minutes of entertainment. They are sentient beings that deserve to be free in the natural world without humans rangling and riding them.
To make matters worse, the event was at a public university means taxpayer dollars contributed to the event that is still somehow legal in the United States. Publicly-funded institutes should never be complicit with such animal abuse and it is time the USDA stood up and finally forced the Animal Welfare Act.
Source: The Humane Society of the United States/Youtube
Footage taken by the Humane Society International (HSI) shows horrifying conditions on a chinchilla fur farm in Romania and how the poor animals are abused. Although 19 other European nations have banned chinchilla farming, Romania has not.
The shocking footage confirmed that Romania’s chinchilla fur farms run through the abuse and exploitation of these animals. The chinchillas can be seen trapped in tiny cages alone, where they are surrounded by their excrement. Many of the animals can be seen trying to chew their way out of their cage.
Female chinchillas are forced into a nearly endless cycle of pregnancy at these chinchilla farms and are sometimes forced to mate again only hours after giving birth. The females can often be seen wearing collars or braces to prevent them from escaping during forced mating. Thankfully, after the footage was released, members of Romania’s National Liberal Party drafted and submitted a bill to ban mink and chinchilla farming in the country. Now, we need to make sure that this bill passes!
tell Romania to end the violent and abusive fur farming industry for good!
Source: Tazzy Phe/Youtube
This year, Pakistan has experienced the worst flooding in history. One-third of the country is underwater. Over 30 million people have been displaced by the flooding, killing over 1,100 people.
The flooding is largely due to climate change. However, Pakistan contributes less than .5% to global emissions. It’s clear, and we’ve known for a while now, that the world’s wealthiest countries have caused the environmental disaster but have often felt the least of its consequences.
Countries like the United States are responsible for climate change, and they have a responsibility to step up and help these smaller countries that are feeling the worst of this extreme weather!
Source: ABC News (Australia)/Youtube
A kangaroo and his keeper both died in Australia after the kangaroo attacked the man, and authorities shot the animal dead. The man had raised the animal since he was a joey, but the bond was not enough to prevent this violent incident. Kangaroos are not meant to be pets!
Although it is illegal to keep a kangaroo as a pet in the state of Western Australia, all someone would have to do to get a kangaroo to keep is travel to Victoria in Southeastern Australia, where it is allowed. The law in Victoria says that a kangaroo can not be wild if it is kept as a pet. However, keeping a kangaroo does not necessarily lead to domestication. Pets are still driven by their wild animal instincts. When a kangaroo is around three years old, and they are not feeding or resting, they fight. These animals should not be stuck inside a human home, they should be out in the wild where they belong!
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