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How To Get Rid of Brain Fog: Causes and Solutions – Healthline

How To Get Rid of Brain Fog: Causes and Solutions – Healthline

It’s the middle of a long workday and your brain is feeling fuzzy. You’re unmotivated, it’s difficult to remember important information, and your mind is taking every opportunity to drift.
You might be experiencing brain fog, a term used to describe a set of symptoms that impact your ability to think.
“’Brain fog’ isn’t a scientific term itself, but rather a mild cognitive dysfunction that may be caused by many different conditions,” says Dean MacKinnon, MD, associate professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins.
“We all have periods of not thinking as sharply as we’d like. But most of the time, the sensation is temporary,” MacKinnon adds.
Brain fog is a common symptom of:
In fact, a 2021 study found that 7 percent of people with long-haul COVID-19 reported brain fog.
MacKinnon says that because there are so many different factors related to brain fog, there’s no one-size-fits-all way of treating it.
If your brain fog is disrupting your everyday routine or making it hard to perform daily tasks, you should make an appointment with a healthcare professional. But, if all you’re experiencing is a little bit of fogginess, it might be worth it to test out a few lifestyle changes.
We’ve partnered with C60 Purple Power, known for its 99.99% pure Carbon 60 products, to create your go-to guide for fighting brain fog.
Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t get yourself to focus on a task, no matter how hard you tried? Well, research suggests the solution isn’t to try harder. It might be best to momentarily quit.
A 2016 study suggested that stepping away from a task and taking a break can substantially improve your performance, focus, and degree of self-control.
Not all mental breaks are created equal, however. One 2019 study showed that reaching for a cell phone did not allow the brain to recharge as effectively as other types of relaxation.
To give your brain a more efficient break, try:
Read more about the importance of taking a break.
Treats like candy and chips can provide an immediate brain boost, but sticking to a balanced diet will help you perform more consistently throughout the day.
You don’t have to make dramatic changes right away. Instead of removing the “unhealthy” foods you regularly eat, start by making nutritious additions to your meals and snack times.
Foods high in antioxidants — such as blueberries, oranges, and nuts — help reduce oxidative stress in the body, which can have a positive effect on the brain and body.
C60 Purple Power’s Carbon 60 in Organic Avocado Oil is made with pure, sublimated Carbon 60 (never exposed to solvents). Carbon 60 is an antioxidant that may help reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Other nutritious brain foods include fish. Fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which has been associated with lower rates of cognitive decline, according to experts.
It’s also important to stay hydrated. Remember that the brain is approximately 75 percent water! In fact, a 2021 study found dehydration can affect memory and mood. A good rule of thumb is to drink enough fluids for your urine to be clear or light yellow.
Read more about foods that are high in antioxidants.
You might have heard people comparing your brain to a computer, but the truth is a lot more complicated than that. Your brain and body are intimately connected. So if your mind’s feeling off, it might be helpful to get moving.
Scientists have associated a wide variety of exercises with improved brain function. A 2016 study found that exercise promotes the expression of proteins in the brain that enhance brain function and reduce instances of anxiety and depression.
Research from 2015 has shown that exercise may relieve chronic pain and fatigue. But that’s not all — a 2021 study suggests it can also distract us from upsetting thoughts and a 2017 study notes that it can aid in emotional regulation after a stressful event.
While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you exercise for 30 minutes per day, any kind of movement counts.
Here are a few activities to try:
Read more about exercise as a treatment for chronic stress and pain.
We exist in a culture where it’s socially acceptable to consume caffeine and alcohol, especially in moderation.
But when it comes to these two substances, it’s important to consider the difference between our understanding of “moderation” and what the science actually says.
Caffeine can cause jitters, headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, and rapid heart rate, especially if you have a caffeine sensitivity. Because of this, the Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 400 milligrams, or 4 to 5 cups, of coffee per day.
It’s very easy to reach that 4 to 5 cup maximum without realizing it — a Grande coffee at the popular chain Starbucks is about 2.5 cups, for example.
The same goes for alcohol. Alcohol is both a stimulant and a depressant, which significantly impairs cognitive functioning. Once the levels of alcohol in your body decrease, withdrawing from the substance can cause fatigue, headache, vertigo, hangxiety, and other symptoms of brain fog.
Additionally, 2021 research has associated chronic alcohol use with increased inflammation in the brain and body, and a 2019 review noted that it may lead to increased cognitive impairments and neurological disorders such as dementia.
Binge drinking is defined as drinking 4 or more drinks (for females) or 5 or more drinks (for males) in 2 hours. But one drink is referring to a “unit” of alcohol. The typical 750 ml bottle of wine contains 10 units, as an example.
If you’re trying to cope with drinking too much, talk with your healthcare professional.
Read more about the effects of chronic inflammation on the body.
We’ve all made the connection between sleep and tiredness, but the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain and body are extensive.
Poor sleep affects your ability to make decisions, solve problems, and control your emotions. And what’s more, experts say that sleep deprivation can increase your risk for chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease.
Prioritize sleep with these simple lifestyle changes:
Read more about getting a good sleep and living your best life.
Brain fog is a temporary condition that can make it difficult for you to concentrate, recall or retain information, and complete tasks.
You may find relief by improving your diet and sleep regimen, adding creativity to your daily life, and taking proper (phoneless!) breaks throughout the day.
For most of us, brain fog is related to lifestyle or temporary stressors. But if your fogginess is accompanied by other symptoms and is significantly impacting your ability to function, it’s worth talking with your healthcare professional to rule out potential underlying conditions.
Last medically reviewed on January 21, 2022
Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.
Current Version
Jan 21, 2022
Arricca Elin SanSone
Edited By
Ruby Anderson
Medically Reviewed By
Alana Biggers, MD, MPH
Copy Edited By
Chris Doka
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