• February 6, 2022
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  • 7 minutes read

How Fresh Are Your Best Friends Pawz?

How Fresh Are Your Best Friends Pawz?

Dogs don’t have a good sense of judgment and can’t really judge when it’s too hot or cold, which leads to them getting hurt. So, it is our responsibility to keep them safe. Even under the best weather conditions, it is still easy to end up with sore dog paws. Just like human skin, dog paws are also sensitive to extreme temperatures. Paw pads are an important part of a dog’s anatomy, as they provide support, protection, and help dogs to walk.

In order to keep your dog’s paws healthy and fresh, you need to take care of them, especially in hot and cold weather. In this blog, you will learn how to protect your dog’s paws and other tips to keep your dog’s paws fresh.

How to Protect Your Dog’s Paws?

Paw problems in dogs can be tricky, especially if they aren’t treated properly, so pet parents must ensure their canine companions have paws that are protected from the elements throughout the cold and summer seasons.

Paw protection is a great way to prevent certain injuries such as torn nails and paw pad irritation. To start, people should remember that protecting dog paws requires more than just clipping their claws regularly. Various steps will need to be taken each day to make sure dog paws are at their best. Here are some ways by which you can protect your dog’s paws.

Wipe Their Paws When Coming From Outside

Ice, salt, and other chemicals can all be harmful to a dog’s paws. Once you’ve walked your canine friend outside, make sure to wipe their feet clean when they come inside. Eventually, it may even lead to infection if the soles of their feet are too dirty. This is especially true for dogs that live in areas that tend to be icier or darker due to pollution.

Don’t Let Them Play In the Snow for So Long

Like humans, dogs should not be exposed to the cold for extended periods. Cold temperatures are generally safe if they just stay in the snow for a short time, but care must be taken to ensure they do not overextend this time.

If you feel that your dog isn’t comfortable in the snow, he should be taken inside. Dogs are susceptible to cold weather and frostbite more than humans because their paws contain very few blood vessels. This makes it difficult for them to warm up and thus leads to severe tissue damage. You should show some love to your dog by wearing Puppy Hoodie and playing with them inside your house.

Beware Of Hot Pavements

A dog who spends a lot of time outdoors in the summer should not be walking on paved surfaces. This surface can absorb the heat from the sun and this may lead to serious health problems in your dog, especially if it is asphalt. Because a dog’s paws are vulnerable, as well there could also be some discomfort for anyone walking them on an overly hot surface like this.

Dogs who spend too much time on hot pavements can suffer from paw burns. So it’s important to check their paw pads from time to time. Some common signs of paw pad burns include licking, limping, and discoloration of paw pads. Try to keep your dog cool by selecting some special dog cooling products.

Be Careful Of Floor Cleaners

Some floor cleaners can hurt your dog if it comes in contact with its paws. Not only is your pup at risk of absorbing the chemicals through their paw pads, but they’re also likely to lick off any residue after they’ve been running around on that wet floor. Be cautious and read the list of ingredients before you buy a new cleaner!

Train Your Dog To Be Comfortable With A Paw Touching

In general, dogs don’t like their paws being touched. This can create problems during grooming or if a paw injury does occur. When you have a puppy, though, these problems can easily be avoided by getting them used to having their paws messed around from an early age. It is better to get puppies used to different experiences as soon as possible so they remain comfortable during regular paw inspection.

Walk When It Cools Outside

The summer heat may mean your pet needs a different routine for their daily walks. If you usually walk your dog during midday, but it’s now uncomfortably hot, try walking in the morning or evening instead. Make sure to keep any walks short and ensure that plenty of water is available for them along their route too.

Invest In Dog Shoes

If you want to protect your dog’s feet from the elements like snow or hot pavements, dog shoes are a great idea. Dogs can wear these on their paws during the winter and summer months.

If you want to purchase dog shoes the best option is Beluga 544 Dog Shoes. The Beluga 544 is the first iconic, functional dog shoe on the market. It’s a protective layer for dogs that have to be outside a lot during the warmer months of summer. All materials used in the development of this footwear are eco-friendly and help prevent problems such as soft tissue inflammation from occurring because of sensitive paws on your pup. The upper part is woven together to offer maximum breathability so your pooch can stay cool in these warm months.

Keep Nails Trimmed

Trimming a dog’s nails, while important, is often underrated. Some dogs require daily attention, while others can go at least two to three weeks before needing attention. Whether the dog enjoys this activity or not should be taken into consideration when trimming a dog’s nails. If your dog has long nailed it will be easier for these nails get torn off. This will not only be extremely painful for your pup but will also lead to infection in their paws.


Dogs feel the heat and cold even more than we do; paws are an especial area of concern. You should have your dog wear shoes or boots to protect its paws in the summer and winter. And you should make sure to wipe their paws from time to time and take them for a regular veterinary exam.

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