• January 11, 2023
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Drunk, assault and battery charges dismissed against Manistee … – Manistee News Advocate

Drunk, assault and battery charges dismissed against Manistee … – Manistee News Advocate

From the Museum’s Archives is a weekly section of local history columns written by the Manistee County Historical Museum. 
The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week Jan. 5-11, 1923 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum.
“Manistee Thursday lost one of its oldest settlers and most widely known citizens in the death of Mrs. Nettie Ramsdell, widow of the late T. J. Ramsdell. Her age was 80 years.
“Death occurred at 12 o’clock Thursday noon at the H. W. Marsh home at 414 Cedar St., after a lingering illness … 
See the full 100 Years Ago section at manisteenews.com
“Mrs. Ramsdell, nee Miss Nettie Stanton, came to this city while it was still in its infancy, from the southern part of the state, where she was born, to teach school. She was married a year later, at the age of 16, to Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell, who was then a young attorney.
“Fourteen children were born to their wedlock, five of whom died in infancy. Fred Ramsdell, a renowned artist, Ellis and Nettie died later. The six surviving children are three daughters and three sons, Mrs. Winnogene R. Scott, Mrs. Helen Dempsey, Manistee; Mrs. Francis Campbell, Grand Rapids; Dr. L. S. Ramsdell and R. R. Ramsdell, Manistee and Carl Ramsdell, Chicago … 
“Mrs. Ramsdell during her life time was a wonder worker among the poor and unfortunate of the city and was a devoted and regular attendant at the former Unitarian church of this city.
“That Edward Buckley, who is making a cruise around the world … is enjoying his trip is indicated by a letter received here by Mrs. John H. Foy from her son, Sidney, representative of the Burroughs adding machine company of Detroit, at Hilo, Hawaii, who met Mr. Buckley when the steamer stopped at Hilo … 
“The letter reads that ‘Mr. Buckley said that they had a fine trip, so far had had fine weather, and that he was enjoying it.’
“Mr. Foy states that … the 450 passengers were taken up to see a large volcano and then to the Yuraka Kan theater, where they had a Hawaiian entertainment.
“Afterwards he had a long conversation with the lumber man, who later pointed out Mr. Foy to some of his fellow-passengers as a man from his home town. The latter has been in Hawaii for three years, and as this was the first person he had seen from Manistee, he was glad to see and talk with Mr. Buckley … .
“Due to the light fall of snow over icy pavements in several places, accidents have been frequent during the last four days … .
“Efforts to secure funds for the erection of an enclosed athletic field for Manistee took concrete form Thursday evening when a group of local men met at the Board of Commerce rooms … 
“The meeting was called by P. P. Schnorbach of the Filer Fibre company, an ardent booster for an enclosed recreational ground … He declared that it was his belief that nothing could stop the movement to obtain an enclosed park for athletic contests … 
“Another meeting will be held in the near future and at that time definite plans will be formed on the method of securing funds to accomplish the task.
“This year’s Farmers’ and Teachers’ institute will be held at Bear Lake on Thursday and Friday, January 25 and 26, it was announced Friday by School Commissioner B. M. Gerred.
“Every school in the county is urged to send some material, even a small amount, for the exhibits … 
“A good list of premiums is being offered for the best exhibits … .
“The comedy ‘Old Fashioned School Days’ which was directed by C. C. Kettle at the Lyric Theatre, has met with such popular approval … (that) it will be repeated at the Lyric Theater on Monday evening … Several new songs and bits of comedy will be added.
“Ludingtonians have expressed their desire for the comedy to be presented there, so the cast has accepted an invitation … 
“The comedy was also shown at the Elks’ frolic … .
“A meeting was held Friday morning at the Board of Commerce by the retail trade committee for the purpose of formulating plans for a dinner to be given at the Hotel Chippewa … 
“All of the merchants of the city will be invited to attend, and following the dinner a session will be held to talk over business conditions and general problems … and methods of solution.
“Much interest … was expressed … and it is expected that the response will be very good … .
“Begin saving your pennies. Another Christmas is less than a year away.
“Yes, summer will feel mighty good when it gets here, and darned uncomfortable before it leaves.
“Sympathy often leads us astray. We are constantly asking people how they feel, and thereby reminding them of their woes.
“The new year apparently has not encouraged the young couples of the city to undertake the responsibilities of wedded life. Applicants for marriage licenses at the court house being just as slack during the first five days of January as they were during the last month of 1922.
“Members of the Manistee Council Knights of Columbus are looking forward to … a lecture by John D. Smolenski of Grand Rapids, who recently returned from a trip to Europe … .
“LANSING, Jan. 6. — State senators and representatives are busy this weekend putting final touches on bills … 
“Among the measures expected at an early date is a resolution calling for the direct election of the President of the United States and abolishment of the Electoral College.
“ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 6. — An alarming exodus of negro labor from the fields and factories of Georgia to the big industrial centers in the north and east is on, labor agents here say.
“The negroes are being induced to migrate north and leave the south by labor recruiting agents for large concerns on promises of better wages and more social equality.
“Large employers of negro labor in the southwest have become alarmed over the exodus and steps will be taken to curb the activity of the recruiting agents, they have announced.
“Plans are being prepared to prosecute recruiting agents found to be operating without state licenses.
“Time is money to everybody but a loafer.
“As Noah Heap puts it: A half lie is harder to kill than a whole one.
“The better we become acquainted with some people the more we regret it.
“As Noah Little advises: Look not upon the wine when it is red, nor upon the rum when it is bay.
“E. J. Doyle, Grand Rapids, is at his headquarters in the post office building, taking care of income tax matters. 
“Notice to Electric Consumers. Power will be shut off Sunday, Jan. 7, from 12 o’clock noon until 2:30 P.M. in order to make changes on 7200 Volt circuits relieving load conditions. (Signed) Consumers Power Co.
‘Pleading guilty to the manufacture, sale, transportation and possession of liquor in violation of the Eighteenth amendment, Fred and William C. Daniels of the C. H. Daniels brewery of Manistee … were sentenced by Judge Sessions to nine months imprisonment in the Detroit house of corrections and a fine of 500 dollars each … 
“Both Fred and Will Daniels were immediately remanded to Detroit … 
“The difficulty in which the (Daniels) find themselves grew out of the seizure of a shipment of beer in salt barrels to Milwaukee early last summer … 
“After being conducted for many years … as a lager beer brewery, the Daniels plant … was reopened for the manufacture of cereal beverages … The process for the manufacture of near beer was the dealcoholizing of real beer, and the charge that the management permitted the sale and transportation of some of the products on which the higher alcoholic content … had not been removed is that on which Fred and Will Daniels are now paying the penalty.
“With all but 200 dollars collected of the subscriptions to the Social Welfare league fund, an appeal has been voiced … to have as many pledges paid as quickly as possible … .
“The lecture by Dean Effinger of the literary college of the University of Michigan on the subject, ‘Modern Values in Education,’ will be given at the library Thursday … under the auspices of the Manistee teachers’ club … .
“A chess club has been formed among some of the boys at the high school … .
“The total enrollment of the freshman class is now 151, as compared with 135 last June. This brings the total for the school to a new high mark of 403, an increase of 60 over the largest enrollment last year.
“The income from tuition students in the high school this year will be approximately $3,600 … .
“Over-exuberant young skaters may queer the privilege, which the city is affording them, by clearing the snow from the ice in Manistee lake, if they persist in building bonfires on the rink.
“City Manager Shields served notice Saturday, after one of the city horses had gone through the ice weakened by surface melting, that either the building of bonfires or the removal of the snow will be discontinued. The horse was rescued from drowning only with difficulty, and the City Manager does not care to have the experience repeated, although he is anxious to provide devotees of this fine winter sport with all the facilities possible for its enjoyment. But he says they have got to quit burning up the ice if they want to skate.
“The Manistee high school will have a busy day next Friday, two of its teams taking the floor against foreign invaders on that day. 
“In the afternoon, a debate will be held between the … affirmative team from Manton and the local negative trio … 
“The basketball team will take on the Reed City quintet in Ramsdell hall … a dance will follow.
“Even when work is scarce you will find it everywhere.
“The groundhog will get a chance this year to make up for several misplays in the past.
“Rich relatives are usually of little use to a poor man except to pose as something which he can brag about.
“Noah Little says: No doubt many a chicken gets the idea it’s an eagle after it once flies over a low fence.
“As Noah Heap puts it: Some people are so stingy they look over the top of their glasses for fear of wearing them out.
“Why don’t some of those California teams come east once in a while and play football where they have football weather?
“After viewing the conferences overseas one wonders how the allies ever stuck together long enough to fight a war.
“Several of the protestant churches in the city are having services each evening this week, in observance of the ‘week of prayer.’
“Income tax payers are warned to use great care not to overestimate their income, as such an exhibition of honesty might make some one faint away.
“According to some of the reports from Washington a lot of congressmen seemed to think the Volstead law was like the draft law: they were exempt.
“With the completion of the payment of the $5 bonus to the first 50 farmers who have had their sleigh widened to the standard 56-inch tread, a good start has been made to improve the roads throughout Manistee county for travel during the winter months. 
“Although this number is only a small proportion of rural residents who use sleighs … it has set a good example for others to follow. 
“At present there are no prospects for further donations from local merchants to be used for bonuses, but it is expected that no such inducement is now necessary, as the farmers realize that it is to their own advantage to widen their sleighs … .
“With every available seat taken … the members of Manistee council Knights of Columbus were entertained with a lecture Monday evening by John J. Smolenski … a prominent attorney in Grand Rapids (who) delivered a very interesting and educational lecture on his recent trip to European countries and took his listeners through the important places of England, Belgium, Germany, Poland and France. The lecture was augmented by stereopticon views taken on the trip and conveyed … in a vivid way the present devastated condition of the countries through the recent war destruction. 
“After lecturing in connection with the views, Mr. Smolenski gave a very forceful and eloquent address touching upon the general condition of Europe and the need of the United States in recognizing the problem of settling the controversy pending the settlement of war indemnity … .
“It requires no effort to become confirmed in a bad habit. 
“By this time the amendment to many a resolution has carried. 
“As Noah Heap puts it: When the tongue is busy the ear gets a rest. 
“Flivvers are getting so cheap that only the rich can afford to be seen in them.
“The average man would rather blow his own horn than listen to a band concert. 
“A local merchant says that some people who buy on time don’t seem to know when time leaves off and eternity begins. 
“Upon recommendation of city attorney Howard L. Campbell, the case of Albert and Arnold Totch, held on a charge of disturbing the peace, was dismissed Wednesday morning by Justice Greve. 
“The two brothers were arrested by officer Freedlund and ex-officer Dahlke several weeks ago … following a fistic combat with the ex-officer at Hjalmer Johnson’s place on east River Street.
“P. T. Glassmire, counsel for the Totch brothers, was displeased with the court’s announcement … asking that the case be brought to trial, and demanding a warrant for Dahlke’s arrest on drunk and assault and battery charges, but this matter was postponed … until Prosecuting Attorney Max E. Neil returns to the city.
“Before the episode ended, however, Attorney Glassmire and Chief of Police Thomas Grady had engaged in a battle of words … Grady made no attempt to defend Dahlke, but entered a denial of the inference that the moral of the police force was loose, and declared that personal observance had taught him the discharged officer was not the only city official who had become intoxicated and inserted in a blunt fashion that he was aware of occasions when a former city and prosecuting attorney (Glassmire — T. K.) had been found in a similar state.
“Both Totches declared their innocence from the first, claiming that Dahlke had taken the offensive throughout. Albert … claimed that he had not even fought back, while … Arnold stated that he had not been in the fight and that it was he that had called for another police officer.
“Campbell’s recommendation has resulted from the fact that Dahlke, star witness for the prosecution, left the city Saturday.
“Manistee County will lose the services of county farm agent Carl Knopf on the expiration of his contract March 15. This is certain.
“Whether anyone will be chosen to take his place … is conditional on the outcome of a referendum on the question … County Farm Agent Knopf, who was present to deliver his outline of contemplated activities, in what he termed his ‘swan song,’ stated that irrespective of the action he was appearing before the board for the last time. He said that in view of the fact that the agricultural committee, together with the executive committee of the county farm bureau, had reduced the salary for the coming year from $2,400 … to $1,600 … he would be quitting anyway … .
“Great strides are being made in the school savings account … including the money collected last week.
“This amount totals $257.51, the largest collection ever made during one week. The average weekly deposit, it was stated by Superintendent Klager, is $82.00.
“This tremendous increase during the one week is said to be due to the fact that quite a number of children who had war savings stamps cashed during the first week of 1923, or who had Christmas thrift clubs, have now deposited this money … 
“The teachers in the schools act as tellers … 
“Each week the deposits are received at the commercial department of the high school … preparatory to sending (them) to either the First National bank or the Manistee County Savings bank, depending on where the child has their deposit.
“At present there are about 700 public school pupils who have school savings accounts, and the amount of the aggregate savings total well above $3,000.
“Although Manistee is devoid of any smallpox cases which is very prevalent throughout the state, City Health Officer Homer Ramsdell urges that all children in the city who are unvaccinated, have it done.
“ … ‘and although there is but one case (of scarlet fever) in Manistee at the present time, this disease also warrants vaccination of children.’
“Europe is receiving American jazz music by radio, but thus far it has been very decent about it.
“We seriously doubt if fashion authorities ever again will be able to think up anything quite as funny as the bustle, although they seem to be trying very hard.
“Consumers Power company will hold its regular meeting of its employees in its club room. A musical program has been arranged, which will be followed by a luncheon.
“The history of fashion moves on. The Flapper has been succeeded by the Slinker. Ladies this season are to be built on straight lines, something like a pencil bent slightly in the middle. Just what they are going to do with what nature has bestowed on them is still a mystery, but they will manage somehow. Just watch the development, gentlemen, or rather, the lack of them, as spring comes on. ‘She’s a poor stick’ may be perfectly correct pretty soon.
“‘Times have changed,’ reminisced an old-time barber as he stropped his razor savagely. ‘Time was when the wall was covered with a great “mug” rack. Most of them bore the owner’s name or some emblem in keeping with his occupation. Maybe his name was his autograph. In each mug was an individual brush and individual soap. In some instances there was an individual sponge, the most unsanitary thing in the world. Then came the safety razor, and then whiz went the private mugs and many regular patrons of the barber chair who were good for from three to six shaves a week at 10 cents a shave. Them were the good old days.’ 
“Dog taxes are now payable at the city offices. Owners of dogs are urged to take heed and pay their taxes to City Clerk John S. Watson.
“What’s Doing In Our Schools.
“Lincoln: The Christmas tree, which during the holidays made our library most attractive, has been set out in the school yard, directly in front of the main entrance, to serve as the birds’ winter harbor. Much interest in this tree is felt by all of the pupils. When the tree was deliberately taken from its place by some miscreant during the week end, great concern was manifested by the pupils, resulting in the return of the tree to the school grounds. The boys and girls are now privileged to place their contributions of bread, suet, popcorn, etc., on the tree for the birds … 
“Last Friday 93 library books were given out … 
“Letter-writing in Miss Thora Hansen’s fourth grade has been made very interesting by actual correspondence with fourth grade pupils in a school in one of the suburbs of Detroit. Each pupil, having been given the name of the pupil to whom he is to write, has an incentive to make his letter interesting as well as correct in form … .
“Plans for Manistee’s first auto and accessories show are forming well … All of the Manistee dealers are coming in on the show with great enthusiasm, the only trouble being that some probably will have to cut down on the number of cars they had planned to exhibit, due to lack of space … .
“The man who sings his own praises is quite sure to be out of tune with other folks. 
“Among the most dangerous of concealed weapons are the automobiles which shoot out from behind another car. 
“It’s a hard life; the radiator gets alcohol, and the driver of an open car has to put up storm curtains to keep from freezing. 
“The Russian boot and the golosh are running a close race for feminine popularity, with the Russian boot winning by a cuff. 
“Over 50 couples attended the opening dance of the winter series planned by the … Knights of Columbus Wednesday evening at the order’s club rooms. ‘Spin’ Johnson’s six piece orchestra furnished the music. A lunch was served after the dancing.
“There is a certain conflict in schools and colleges between the interests of exceptionally qualified students and those of average ability. Parents of bright boys and girls complain that their children are held back by the more ordinary students.
“In some of the colleges there is a tendency to imitate the English universities, in the special chances they give to the exceptional man. Young people who have unusual gifts get impatient at what seems to them the dwindling pace of the whole class. Sometimes in the lack of sufficient occupation they get into mischief. Many students would be glad of some system that would allow them to work independently, and make as rapid progress as their exceptional talents allow. 
“In this democratic country, however, it is of first importance to see that the average boy and girl gets the most careful attention. The genius can look out for himself. If he gets impatient with the slow pace of his fellows, he should take extra work or go in for other useful activities.
“Our people have splendid and gifted leaders, but if the ordinary run of people fail to acquire higher ideals and broader intelligence, out of their school courses, they will not follow after the best leaders, but will be influenced by those of superficial intelligence and chimerical notions.
“The teachers who take pains to explain the lessons slowly and carefully to the duller section of their classes perform a great service. It is more pleasurable to stimulate the geniuses and take satisfaction in the rapid growth of the more gifted pupils. But a chain is only as strong as its weakest links, and the country cannot go ahead much faster than its less intelligent half permits. If the country’s average minds can become patriotic, able to distinguish false leaders from the true, and if they can acquire habits of industry and thrift, the country will take care of itself.”


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