- September 11, 2022
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- 12 minutes read
Dog training is a 'go' for Paws 4 Success – Chino Champion
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Updated: September 11, 2022 @ 2:25 am
Retired police officer Anthony Ramirez of Garden Grove attends the proceedings in Chino Hills council chambers with his service dog Rosa, provided to him by Paws 4 Success.
David Harrison of Paws 4 Success speaks with Mary Ann Hughes of English Road who spoke on behalf of the organization. Mrs. Hughes attended the meeting with her husband Bill.
Retired police officer Anthony Ramirez of Garden Grove attends the proceedings in Chino Hills council chambers with his service dog Rosa, provided to him by Paws 4 Success.
David Harrison of Paws 4 Success speaks with Mary Ann Hughes of English Road who spoke on behalf of the organization. Mrs. Hughes attended the meeting with her husband Bill.
Paws for Success, a non-profit group that trains and certifies service dogs for persons with physical and psychological disabilities, received approval from the City of Chino Hills on Wednesday to continue its canine training operations.
The organization has been using Carol Mann’s goat farm at 3141 English Road in Chino Hills for the last two years to conduct training classes and hold fundraising events to support the program.
Approximately 25 supporters attended the hearing, which was conducted at 1 p.m. in council chambers by community development director Joann Lombardo and senior planner Ryan Gackstetter.
Many of the supporters were members of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce of which Paws 4 Success is a member.
David Harrison, executive director and a retired sheriff’s deputy, said he was overwhelmed by the support of the community and pleased with the city’s decision to allow dog training on the ranch.
He agreed to abide by the city’s conditions of approval, including restrictions on training session hours and limitations on fundraising activities.
He also agreed that all parking will be on-site only.
Several Chamber of Commerce members spoke on his behalf, including Joe Alagna and Deanna Margaritha.
Paws 4 Success was named the non-profit organization of the year by the Chamber during its Business Awards and Recognition Dinner on Aug. 17.
Anthony Ramirez, a retired police officer who lives in Garden Grove, broke down with emotion after stating that Paws 4 Success saved his life.
He suffers from PTSD after 15 years of working in law enforcement, he said.
He walked to the podium with his service dog Rosa, provided to him by the organization.
“Thank you Dave and thank you Chino Hills for appreciating people like me,” Mr. Ramirez said.
He said he has been able to re-establish himself with his family.
Chino Hills resident Darrin Lee, a board member for Paws 4 Success and a member of law enforcement, said the organization has given him a new purpose.
He said the program recently received approval from the Chino Valley Unified School Board to provide therapy dog resources to Chino Hills High School.
The program has expanded to include therapy dog training to bring comfort to students, first responders, veterans, police officers, and community members.
Dogs are also trained to perform specific tasks for people who have disabilities such as seizures, brain injuries, mobility issues, PTSD, and health issues such as diabetes.
Mental health talks and dog-friendly events are held at the ranch.
Paws 4 Success came under scrutiny when it posted a June 4 fundraiser event on social media and somebody in the neighborhood complained to the city.
The matter was turned over to the code enforcement department.
The city informed the group that although the property has an approved equestrian and large animal use permit for horse boarding and goat keeping, canine training was not listed as a permitted use.
A public hearing was held on Aug. 3 in council chambers attended by Mr. Harrison and three residents who opposed the operation because of noise from the fundraisers and parking issues on English Road.
After listening to their concerns, Ms. Lombardo continued the meeting to Wednesday to allow a month to work out the issues brought up by the residents.
According to a staff report for Wednesday’s meeting, the use permit allows staff to review and make a determination that canine training is compatible with surrounding uses.
After a review, staff determined that the use is compatible with the surrounding uses and canine training would not have an adverse impact on the surrounding parcels.
The city imposed 18 conditions on the program including a condition that the equestrian and large animal permit could become null and void if the operation is found to have harmful effects on the community based on documentation provided by the code enforcement division or documented resident complaints.
The city prohibited boarding, kenneling, doggy daycare, and unpermitted gatherings.
Fundraisers are allowed with the following restrictions: no more than once a month; hours restricted to 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays; a maximum of 40 attendees per fundraiser, amplified sound must end by 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 7 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays; no flashing lights or activities that create light or noise that spill out of the property; and no parking allowed on the streets.
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