• October 4, 2022
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AKC CHF Funds New Studies to Benefit the Canine Athlete – Canine Chronicle |

AKC CHF Funds New Studies to Benefit the Canine Athlete – Canine Chronicle |

The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the health of all dogs and their owners, announces funding for two new studies to benefit the canine athlete.
All canine health research benefits active and athletic dogs. Study of the musculoskeletal system and exercise physiology is particularly important for working and performance dogs. These dogs require superior nutrition, conditioning, and training to safely perform at their best in demanding conditions. Results from the following newly awarded grants will directly benefit active dogs:
CHF Grant 03068-A: AGILE (AGility Innovations Leveraging Electronics) – An Initial Study of Technology for Quantifying Canine Agility-specific Activity
Principal Investigator: Arielle Markley, DVM; The Ohio State University
Investigators will develop a canine wearable that recognizes agility movements and activity. The ability to collect data related to workload, speed, fatigue, and more will allow for objective study of these factors as they relate to injury risk. Results may help with development of injury prevention strategies – keeping the agility dog, or any canine athlete, at peak performance.
03077-A: Cooling Strategies During Exertional Hyperthermia
Principal Investigator: Cynthia Otto, DVM, PhD; University of Pennsylvania
An elevated core temperature puts a dog at risk for heat injury or heat stroke if activity continues or heat dissipation is compromised by physiology or environmental conditions. Investigators will compare the effectiveness of commonly used cooling techniques to determine the best method(s) to prevent and treat heat stroke in active dogs.
“Canine health research benefits all dogs,” says Dr. Darin Collins, CHF Chief Executive Officer. “All dogs are athletic but not all dogs are canine athletes. The working or competition dogs that are trained and conditioned for a job, or event, deserve this innovative research. The science behind this research, helps keeps them performing at their best.”
The newly awarded grants augment CHF’s almost $500,000 investment in active studies focused on the canine musculoskeletal system and exercise physiology. This is part of the Foundation’s robust research portfolio addressing the health needs of all dogs across their entire lifetimes. Learn more at akcchf.org/canineathlete.

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