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NATIONAL PET HEALTH INSURANCE DAY – April 7, 2023 – National Today

NATIONAL PET HEALTH INSURANCE DAY – April 7, 2023 – National Today

National Today
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National Pet Health Insurance Day is observed every year on April 7. This day is all about encouraging people to insure not only themselves but their pets as well. Pet insurance protects pet owners from paying the brunt of costly veterinary bills. Pet insurance is an important financial investment, which benefits both pets and owners. Paying small monthly premiums prevents the payment of huge sums later on. Pet health insurance is commonly purchased for animals such as dogs, cats, and horses.
Pet insurance is a form of insurance bought by pet owners to offset the costs of veterinary bills. As standard health costs increase, so too do veterinary costs for pets. Pet insurance may cover the complete bill or only a part of it, depending on the type of insurance plan purchased. However, pet health insurance usually doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions the pet might have had before the insurance plan was purchased.
The world’s first animal insurance was written in Sweden in 1890 by Claes Virgin, founder of Lansforsakrings Alliance. The insurance plans created by Virgin did not cover domestic animals but only livestock and farm animals. In 1924, the first insurance policy for a dog was written, also in Sweden. Pet insurance then found its way to the United Kingdom, where the first pet insurance was sold in 1947, after which it spread rapidly across the country. However, pet insurance didn’t reach the United States until 1982 when a dog named Lassie received the first pet insurance policy in the country.
Pet insurance is a form of property insurance. There are two categories of pet insurance policies, which are non-lifetime and lifetime insurance. Non-lifetime insurance covers most of the conditions suffered by a pet in one renewable policy year. Lifetime insurance, on the other hand, insures a pet throughout its lifetime, subject to certain limitations. Usually, dogs, cats, and horses are the most common pets to receive health insurance.
The world’s first pet insurance policy is created by Claes Virgin in Sweden.
Britain’s first-ever insurance policy is created and sold.
Veterinary Pet Insurance (V.P.I) becomes the first pet insurance company in North America.
A dog named Lassie becomes the first animal to receive pet insurance in the United States.
On average, pet health insurance monthly premiums can range from between $6 to $155.
The United States is the country with the highest dog population.
People keep pets because they positively improve one’s mood and make good companions.
Humans aren’t the only ones who can benefit from insurance plans. You’d be doing yourself a favor by buying one for your pet. Celebrate by shopping for pet insurance plans and picking the one that’s right for you.
Don’t wait for your pet to fall sick before taking a visit to the veterinarian’s office. Make it a habit to take your pet for routine medical checkups.
Know someone who hasn’t purchased an insurance plan for their pet? Feel free to enlighten them about the benefits of insuring their pet’s health.
Almost 50 million households own at least one dog as a pet.
Over 30 million households keep at least one cat as a pet.
Though they can’t be held or cuddled, fish are one of the most common pets in the U.S.
Becoming more and more popular, turtles, snakes, and lizards are now owned as pets.
Hamsters and guinea pigs are common household pets.
Pets make good companions. Be it dogs, cats, hamsters, or fish, they really are man’s best friend.
Pet Health Insurance Day reminds us that our pets’ health needs to be prioritized. Even though they are animals, they are still living creatures that need to be properly treated.
The purpose of pet health insurance is to make sure that pet owners aren’t stranded when veterinary bills come. Purchasing a health insurance plan takes care of any unexpected bills which may crop up in the future.
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