• July 31, 2022
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  • 4 minutes read

9 Health Conditions to Be Aware of When You Adopt a Golden Retriever – POPSUGAR

9 Health Conditions to Be Aware of When You Adopt a Golden Retriever – POPSUGAR

Everyone loves the Golden Retriever: known for their loyalty, luscious fur, and activeness, they’re practically the perfect puppy friend. And while thinking about our pup getting sick is a heart-wrenching proposition, it’s important to know how our dog’s health may progress as they get older, especially since it often happens when we least expect it. Golden retrievers in particular face some specific types of ailments that all owners should be aware of. Being informed on these 10 common health issues means you can catch them early for medical attention and be in better sync with your beloved pet. Goldens are incredibly lovable, popular dogs and are one of our best companions — so here’s what you need to know to manage their health as thoroughly as you would your own!
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