Reporting on Latino news and culture since 1992, Latino USA brings depth of experience, on-the-ground connections and knowledge of current and emerging issues impacting Latino and other people of color
LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. — 5Strands Affordable Testing, a health testing service, launched three new pet food tests — General Assessment, Pet Food Intolerance and Raw Food Intolerance — on April 12.
(Picture Credit: Julia Christe/Getty Images)Breathing difficulties are capable of affecting all dogs, no matter their age, sex, or breed. They can involve a range of symptoms depending on the underlying
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Murphy is an eleven-year-old, second-generation golden doodle, jet black, whom my wife and I nicknamed Velcro because he sticks to our sides. Every the morning he rubs up against my
Is it because of the fact that the pet owners in most cases, while selecting the breeds, are ignorant about the temperament of the animal they bring home. Statesman News